Dwaja Arohan


Importance of Dhwajaji
People have due importance of dhwaja and it is honour is also quite important. The Dhwajai has several names like dhwaja, zanda, ketu, vavto etc. Dhwaja is being flurred at temples. A Zanda or a flag is hoisted at social or political places. A Ketu is being used used in vehicles like chariot. A Vavta is being used to denote some sign or for function purpose. A flag is an honorable symbol for recognition of nation, state or institution. It is used for recognition of country: our Tricolour with the Ashok chakra is the recognition of India. Like wise dhwaja is recognition of temple. A dhwaja is religious, pious and worthy of being worshiped.

Importance of dhwaja of Dwarikadhish indicates several acts. Dwarka is considered as one of the seven moksha-daivini centres of India. Since Hari-Vishnu-Purshatamma resides at Dwarka who relieves mankind from karma bandhana and make them free of all worries.

If you wish to do a Dwaja Aarohan, kindly contact:

Shree Gugli Brahmin Gnati 505 Samast,
Devi Bhuvan Road,
Dwarka – 361335
Ph: +91-2892-234105