Sea Safari


Dwarka is blessed with rich marine life and there are numerous options for the marine enthusiast.

White Sand calm blue flag beach of Shivrajpur, turtle breeding centre at Okha Madhi, Marine National Park – Poshitra & Murvel Beach, to beautiful scenery of Momai Maa Murvel Beach. 
Scuba Diving at Shivrajpur, Baradia, or Dwarka, – or witness Dolphins and sea birds during the Sea Safari.

Places like Jimit Marine Education camp add wealth of knowledge and firsthand experience about marine life. Green Solider Scuba Network or Divine Scuba at Shivrajpur, to add your experience whole new underwater world.
Dunny Point is yet another hidden gem in the bouquet of rich marine expedition at Dwarka. Please not that special permission may require visiting the Dunny Point.

Depending on your choice and availability of Time Marine Expedition & Sea Safari requires One to Two Full Days. Kindly find out more about this from the following resources.

Activity Concern Person to be contacted
Sea Safari Sabirbhai- Rahemat Cruise  – 99043 17484
Ajay Rathod- Jimit Holidays- 85116 45195
Scuba at Shivrajpur Nirav Parikh – Green Solider Scuba Network- 94264 06487 Divine Scuba Network- 091730 88833
Shantilal Bambhania – Vegad

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